Support for AutoRun Wizard

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AutoRun Wizard FAQ

Q: Is your online ordering Secure? (48,925 views)

Yes, our online ordering is secure. We work with a vendor called VeriSign to do all of our payment and credit card processing. You can be assured the your payment will be processed in the most secure manor possible. The ordering process at RJL Software works like this:

When you click ORDER ONLINE on any of our RJL Software pages ( you will see a form you must fill out that contains your Name, Address, Phone, Email and Quantity ordered (not your credit card information). This data is not transferred securely, it is forwarded to our order verification page where you order information is verified. After the verification step you click the button to verify the information entered is correct and you are forwarded to a secure Verisign website for entering your credit card information.

You will notice the url contains HTTPS:// which indicates your this page and any information processed on this page is secure. The url is not, rather a variation of Verisign's secure website.

After entering your credit card information into Verisign's payment system, the order is processed. Never during your transaction is any credit card information processed in a non-secure manor.

After the credit card transaction, you click a button to be forwarded to RJL Software's home page and your order is complete.

The next step is to see your email for a receipt and order instructions.

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