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AutoRun Wizard FAQ more

Q: I am using your Make Transparent option, but it does not display 100% transparent. (48,720 views)

If your transparent image is not 100% transparent or the edges seem to look "spotty", the problem is the background is not ONE color.

When you select the Transparency option AutoRun Wizard will pick ONE background color that is most common and make it transparent (see through). For this to work properly the areas of the BMP file you want to have transparent must be the same color.
Please see the follwing links for making a transparent image:

In Paint Shop Pro
In Photoshop
In MSPaint

Note: Some of these tutorials show you how to create a transparent GIF file. AutoRun Wizard does not support the .gif file format. You must save the file in BMP format to work with AutoRun Wizard.

Go back to the FAQ for AutoRun Wizard.

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